اسئلة على Reading

صمت العذاب

مشرفة قسم الرياضيات للصف الحادي عشر والثاني عشر::
Unit 4
شرح لقاعدة if
Conditional Sentences
Type 1: الحالة الأولى
Consists of:
If + Present Simple Tense Will+ infinitive
if + الفعل في زمن المضارع البسيط
في الجزء الذي يليها مباشرة و المضارع البسيط هو عادة التصريف الأول للفعل و مع he, she, it الفعل يأخذ s Will+المصدر
و المصدر هو عادة التصريف الأول للفعل
 Examples
1. If I succeed,I will join university.
2. If I know your address, I will send you a letter.
3. He will come to your party if you invite him.
4. If she travels to London, she will visit her uncles.
كما ترى يمكن أن تأتي( if )في وسط الجملة لربط الجملتين و هذا صحيح طالما كان الفعل الذي يليها هو في المضارع البسيط . و هنا لا نضع " ، " فاصلة بين الجملتين كما في المثال رقم 3

Correct the underlined verbs حاول تصحيح الأفعال التي تحتها خط

1. If Amal does her chores her mother awarded her.
2. If Dina asked me, I will answer her.
3. No one will help you if you had behaved like this.
4. Arwa pay the price of the book if she gains money.

الآن حاول اختيار الإجابة الصحيحة Choose the correct answers:
1. Faten (punished-would punish-punishes-will punish) you if you broke her glasses.
2. If Ghada (travels-travelled-will travel-had traveled) to Paris she will visit the Eiffel tower.
3. If Wafaa knows your address, she (sent- would send- will send) you a postcard.
If Type 2: الحالة الثانية
Consists of:
If+ Past simple would + infinitive
If + التصريف الثاني للفعل
( الماضي البسيط) المصدر( التصريف الأول) + would
 Examples
• If Ahmad missed the test, he would fail this term.
• Karen would visit the Middle East if she got a vacation.
• If I were Amal, I wouldn't accept his gift.
لاحظ استخدام were مع I وليس was و ذلك لان هذه القاعدة تعني عدم إمكانية حدوث الفعل.
الآن حاول اختيار الإجابة الصحيحة Choose the correct answers:
1- If the enemy invaded our town, we (may defend-defended-would defend) it.
2- I would stop smoking if I (am- are- was- had been) you.
3- If he (had listened- listens- listening- listened) to my advice, he wouldn't fail.
4- We (wouldn't stay- would stay- will stay- would have stayed) until midnight on Monday night if we had a test on Tuesday morning.

3- If type 3
If + Past Perfect
If + Had + P.P التصريف الثالث للفعل Would have + P.P التصريف الثالث للفعل
 Examples
• If farmers had known the dangers of chemicals, they wouldn’t have used them.
• I would have sent them letters if I had known their address.
• If I hadn't paid attention, I wouldn't have known the answer.

1- To express impossible situations:
- If I had been in you position, I would have done it at once.
2- To express imaginary:
- I f I had be an astronaut, I’d have stayed in space for month.

3- To express regret:
- If I had studied hard, I would have succeeded.

4- Type four/ Zero conditional
Consists of:
If +present simple مضارع بسيط------------------------ present simple مضارع بسيط

General Exercises
A} Choose the correct answer:
1- If you don’t go to bed early, you (feel – will feel – would feel – would have felt) tired in this morning.
2- If I (will know – had known – knew – know), I’d have told you.
3- I (would keep – will keep – keep) better company if I had taken my father’s advice.
4- He will fail if he (don’t study – didn’t study – doesn’t study) hard.
5- He would have bought a house if he (had – had had – would had) a lot of money.
6- I f I (were – will be – would be – had been) you, I would punish him.
7- If the sun rises regularly, plants (will grow – would grow – would have grown – grow).
8- Plants die if they (doesn’t get – don’t get – didn’t get ) enough water.

B} Rewrite:

1- He didn’t win the game because he didn’t play well. ( If--)
2- He couldn’t buy the new books because he lost his money. ( If--)
3- I was playing the Piano. I am sorry, I didn’t know you were asleep. (if---)
4- He didn’t join the army because he was short. ( If---)
5- He isn’t tall enough to join the team. (If ---)
6-Hurry up or you will miss the train. ( If--)
7- You had better eat less bread to lose weight. (If---)
9- He smokes too much, perhaps that’s why he can’t get rid of his cough.(If---)
. ………………………………………………………………………………
10- I didn’t have enough money to buy a car. ( If---)

ملاحظة رقم ( 1)
عند إدخال if على جملة لا توجد فيها أصلا يجب مراعاة ما يلي:
* يجب نفي الفعل المثبت مثلا she comes تصبح she doesn't come و العكس إذا كان الفعل منفي بnot نحذفها مثلا she doesn’t speak تصبح she spoke.
* الجملة في المضارع تصبح ماضي ( نطبق قاعدة if الثانية) و إذا كانت الجملة ماضي تصبح ماضي تام ( نطبق قاعدة if الثالثة)
* إذا أدخلنا if على جملها فيها because أو and نغير أجزاء الجملة
He he gets high marks because he studies hard.-
- If he didn't study hard he wouldn't get high marks.
* إذا أدخلنا if على جملها فيها so لا نغير أجزاء الجملة
مثلا: - He studies hard so he gets high marks
تصبح: - If he didn't study hard he wouldn't get high marks


صمت العذاب

مشرفة قسم الرياضيات للصف الحادي عشر والثاني عشر::
ملاحظة رقم( 2)
مثلاً: If Sara doesn’t treat me well I will complain to the teacher.
هي نفسها: = = = = Unless Sara treats me well,
إذا أدخلنا Unless على جملة فيها not--if علينا ملاحظة ما يلي:
نحذف not و if و نستبدلها ب unless
If Sara doesn’t give me my book I will complain to the teacher.
هي نفسها: Unless Sara gives me == === = = = =

If ----------not = Unless
We can use “unless” instead of “If----not”

The rule is : the negative verb after if is changed to affirmative and the second verb is as it is But with consideration of its type
1- If you don’t take the medicine, you won’t get better. (Unless--)
Unless you take medicine, you won’t get better.
2- If you didn’t help him, he wouldn’t finish his homework. (Unless-)
Unless you helped him, he wouldn’t finish his homework.
3- If he hadn’t played well, he wouldn’t have won the match. (Unless)
Unless he had played well, he wouldn’t have won the match.

1- If he doesn’t take care of his health, he will be sick. (Unless--)
2-If Hany doesn’t drive too fast, he won’t make an accident. (Unless--)
3-If Manal hadn’t won some money, she wouldn’t have bought clothes.
4-If it didn’t rain yesterday, I would visit you. (Unless---)
5-you wouldn’t catch the bus if you didn’t hurry. (Unless---)
6-If he hadn’t been clever enough, he would have made mistakes. (Unless--)
7-If you don’t study your lessons, you will not succeed. (Unless---).

Unit 4:Engineering a better future تلخيص درس

• Where is the High Dam ? اين هو السد العالي؟

- Aswan High Dam is a very large dam on the Nile River in Egypt
- They finished constructing the project in 1970
- It has a height of 111 m and a length of 3.830 km .

• What are the advantages ( benefits) of the High Dam ? ما هي فوائد (مميزات) السد؟

- It is a major national electricity supplier in Egypt
- It is a major national water supplier in Egypt
- It allows large –scale irrigation
- It allows the development of much new farmland
- It Prevents destructive floods
- It prevents destructive droughts
- It brought electric power to many areas for the first time

• What are the disadvantages (side effects) of the High Dam?

ما هي عيوبه ( الآثار السلبية التي سببها)؟
1- Expected side effects : عيوب متوقعة
- 90.000 Egyptians and Sudanese left their homes and farms
- Some archeological remains lost and they had to rescue some of them such as the temple of Abu Simbel

2- Unexpected side effects : عيوب لم تكن متوقعة
- The old floods waters kept the land fertile with sediments. Without them, farmers must now spend a lot of money on artificial fertilizers and crops grow less well
- The fishing industry collapsed because tiny sea creatures had fed on these sediments

• What are the tourist places in Gaza? الأماكن السياحية في غزة

- There are many important heritage sites such as ancient Roman remains.
- There are several potential resorts
- There is Yassir Arafat International Airport near Rafah.
- There are natural resources including nature reserves
- There is an area of special beauty towards the Southern end of the coast.

Write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of Aswan High Dam اكتب موضوع عن مزايا و عيوب السد

Although every major project is expected to bring positive benefits , there are also always some problems or negative side effects ,some of which may be expected and some perhaps unexpected .
Aswan High Dam brought Egypt’s a large number of important benefits .First,it allowed large scale irrigation and the development of much new farmland .Secondly , it produced half the country’s electricity and brought electric power to many areas for the first time . Finally , it prevented destructive floods and disastrous droughts.
Unfortunately , the Aswan High Dam also created some problems . One problem is that the dam hold back fertile sediments ,so farmers have to buy ferltilisers .Moreover , these sediments no longer reach the coast , so natural flood defences are weakened , and the fishing industry has collapsed because rich no longer reach the sea . In addition, 90000 people had to leave their homes and farms when the dam was built , and some archeological remains were flooded by the lake .
To sum up, It is very important for planners to make sure that a project’s benefits are greater then it’s problems .

Noun Adjective
Width عرض Wide عريض
Length طول Long طويل
Depth عمق Deepعميق
Height- علو- ارتفاع Highمرتفع- عالي
Weightوزن Heavy/ light ثقيل- خفيف

أسئلة تفيد في مراجعة قطع الreading لانها سؤال سطر بسطر

Unit 4

The Aswan High Dam

1-What is the longest river in the world?
2- How long is the river Nile ?
3- Where does the Nile begin?
4-What is the dead point for the Nile ?
5- What is the Nile called?
6- Which river joins with the Nile?
7- Where does the Blue Nile join the Nile?
8- What’s the name of the two rivers after joining?
9- What’s the main aim of the Aswan High Dam?
10- Where is the Dam?
11- When was the Dam completed?
12- Where does it lie?
13-When was the first dam finished ?
14-How high is the dam?
15-What does the dam supply?
16- Describe lake Nasser : length ………….. depth………………width…………
17- What does the dam control ?
18- What does the dam provide?
19- What are the problems of Aswan ?
20- Why do the farmers need to spend heavily on the artificial fertilizers ?
21- The pronoun “ these “ line 18 refers to……………
22- The pronoun “ this “ line 2 refers to ………………
Aswan : an engineer remember

1- Where did Barakat find work?
2- Why was he proud?
3-What were the biggest construction projects in Egypt?
4- Why was a new project in Aswan begin?
5- The connector “ and so “ line 25 states : result reason
6- When was the Dam finished?
7- What are the advantages of the Dam?
8- What was the huge difference the Dam made ?
9- What does the Dam provide?
10- Why should the designers have include channels?
11-What would happen if the Egyptian hadn’t built Aswan?

Big projects big benefits but big problems
1- When have many huge projects been?
2- What changed the world to suit human needs better ?
3- The word “ one “ line four refers to ……….
4- How long is the Suis Canal ?
5- When was it built ?
from ……………. to …………….
6- How long did it take to build the Canal?
7- What does it connect?
8- Why was the Canal built ?
9- Why had ships had to sail thousands of kilometers ?
10-The pronoun “ they “ line 9 refers to …………
12- Line 27 : The sentence ‘’ despite high hopes .......... “ implies a contrast
What is it ?
13 The connector “ as “ Line 28 means : result because
14- Why was the groundwater fallen?
15- What have unexpected side effects sometimes caused ?
16 How long did it to turn Lake Hula into dry land?

صمت العذاب

مشرفة قسم الرياضيات للصف الحادي عشر والثاني عشر::
الوحدة الخامسة
شرح المبني للمجهول Passive
Tense الزمن Active مبني للمعلوم تتحول الى
المفعول + Passive المبني للمجهول
Verb to be+ pp
Present simple keeps
object + Am ,is , are kept
Present continuous Am, is, are keeping
object + Am ,is, are being kept
Past simple kept
object + Was, were kept
Past continuous Was, were keeping
object + Was, were being kept
Present perfect Has, have kept
object + Have,
has been kept
Past perfect Had kept
object + Had been kept
Future simple Will, shall keep
object + Will, shall be kept
Modals Modal+ infinitive
Would, should ,
must, might, ought
to, have to, has to ,
had to,( is, am , are +going to)
object + Modal +be+ p.p
Would, should, could, may, might, ought to,
have to, has to, had to,
(is, am ,are +going to) be kept
} Change the following statements into passive:
1. Scientists will develop new forms of energy.
2. He always injures his legs in the matches.
3. No one found the lost match.
4. You can improve your health with more exercise.
5. A dog is chasing the child.
6. You should water this plant daily.
7. He gave me a present.
8. Some one had broken our door down.
9. She waters the plants daily.
10. They grow bananas in Africa..
11. No body asked you to leave.
12. They saw the teacher entering the class.
13. They don't let us use cameras in the museum.
14. People agree that we should keep our country clean.
15. Scientists often say that the air is very polluted.
16. Who saw her in the market yesterday?
17. Where did the police find the thief?
18. Why will Faten visit Amany?
19. Has any one taught English before you came?
20. When you arrive she will have written the exercise.
21. Did the driver see the boy?
22. Can we discover new planet?

أسئلة تفيد في مراجعة قطع الreading لانها سؤال سطر بسطر
الوحدة الخامسة Money Matters
Abdul Hameed Shoman and his Achivemnents انجازات عبد الحميد شومان
- He was born in 1890 near Jerusalem

- He is the founder of the Arab Bank

- He emigrated to America to build a better life

- He had many jobs such as a salesman, an owner of a store, and a business man who had a big shop and a small clothing factory.

- He financially supported a newspaper for Arab- Americans.
- He set up the Arab Bank in Jerusalem in 1930He called the Arab Bank as reference to the Arab nation.

- The Bank expanded in Palestine, Jordan , Lebanon , Syria , and Egypt .

- The growth of his business because of his honest behavior and determination
- After 1948 disaster , it was decided to move the head office to Amman .
- During 1960s and 1970s, new branches were set up in Switzerland, Nigeria, Germany and Britain.

- We have now over 400 branches and offices on six continents.

- The Arab Bank has become a global financial organization and a powerful engine for Arab progress .

- The Arab Bank offers financial help and annual prizes for important new work in Arab science and arts.

- Abdul Majeed , Shaman's son, extended the vision of his father

- Abdul Hameed Shoman died in 1974 .

- Only one dream remains to be achieved, the early return to Jerusalem.

Unit 5
Shoman, Abdel Hameed

1- When was Abdel Hameed born ?
2-How old was he when he died ?
3-Why did Arab young people emigrate to America ?
4-How old was he when he traveled to America?
5- What jobs did he work ,first?
6-Choose the best answer :
Shoman opened a bigger shop and clothing factory when he was ;
21 years old 26 years old 23 years old
7-What was Shgoman’s father job?
8-Why wasn’t Shoman happy with his business?
9-The word “however” line 18 makes a contrast between two ideas , what are they?
10-T/F : Shoman traveled to America to build a better life and to do something for his people .
11-Why do you think America called “the land of opportunity”?
12-What did he begin considering something bigger ? when?
13-The word “rapid” means …………………
14-How did Shoman help the Arab World?
15-Who is Tal’at Pasha Harb?
16-What did Shoman want to do in 1929?
17-Why did Harm withdraw (abandon) to set up a joint Egyptian –Palestinian Bank ? why didn’t Shoman’s dream come true?
18-The word “refused” means …………………………….
19-What did Shoman find in 1930?
20-The phrasal verb “made up my mind “ line 45 means …………………
21-T/F : Shoman named Arab Bank after the Arab nation.
22-Name the branches of the Arab bank all over the Arab countries?
23 How has the Arab Bank been growing steadily?
24What happened in 1948?
25-The word “soon after” line 60 means :………………
26-Wher was the head office of the Arab Bank ,first?
27-The pronoun “there’ line 63 refers to ……….
28-How many branches were opened till 1961?
29-why were a lot of branches lost in 1960s?
30-When were the European branches of the Arab Bank set up (opened)?
31-What two major ways did the bank change from the years before 1960to the years after 1970?
32- “Particularly “ line 11 means :…………
33-What does each of the following numbers refer to ?
400 1978 25% 6
34-What is the connection between Shoman’s original vision and the work of the foundation ?
35-The word “annual “ line 89 means ;……………………
36-The pronoun ‘’it’’ line 88 refers to …………..
37-T/F : for ages past and for ages yet to come , Shoman’s dream is an early return to Jerusalem.
Teacher الأستاذ : وليد دويكات

Unit 4 , 5 أسئلة على الوحدتين
•Choose the correct answer :
1- The high Dam is 3,830 meters (longer – length – long – longest).
2- Lake Naser has an incredible (deepen – depth – deep)
3- I prefer buying (artificial – natural – manufactured) flowers because I enjoy their smell.
4- If you can’t turn the key ,try( put – to put – putting -)some oil in the lock
5- Remember (bringing- to bring – bring) the book with you tomorrow .
•Supply from these words :
Farm land – heritage – side effects -carried away – piece by piece – defense – give up
1- You have to be careful when taking certain medicines because some may have ---------
2- After years of heavy smoking, my father finally decided to ---------------- this bad habit.
3- These ancient buildings are part of the national --------------------
4- The bridge was moved ------------------ to a new site. It took them 3 years to finish
it because they had to pick one part of a time.
5- The sea waves ----------------------- some objects from one country to another.
•Do as shown between Brackets
1- He didn’t win the game because he didn’t play well. ( If--)
2- I told them the good news . ( They )
3- Aswan is in southern Egypt . (the )